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1-4 Infantry Regiment, OPFOR at Hohenfels Training Area
1-4 Infantry: U.S. Army Europe's OPFOR
1 4 Infantry U S Army Europe's OPFOR
U.S. Soldiers assigned to 1-4 Infantry Regiment engage Czech Soldiers during CbR 17 in Hohenfels
Maybe don't set up your arty within 10 meters of OPFOR
1-4 Infantry Regiment participates in raid exercise
1-4 Infantry Regiment at the final Combined Resolve XV battle
1-4 Infantry at JMRC
FSTE Video of the Day #2: 1-4 Infantry plays OpFor
1-4 Infantry Regiment Engages in Simulated Combat at Saber Junction 24
NATO partners complete events | Exercise Saber Junction 22 at Hohenfels Training Area
FSTE Video of the Day #2 1 4 Infantry plays OpFor YouTube